Apply for or Renew Membership

Download and complete the membership form

Join/rejoin the Giant Schnauzer Club and support us with our initiatives to maintain the future of the Club and breed; health and conservation plans, welfare and rescue,  educational resource provision, in addition to keeping members and non-members informed on all aspects relating to Giant Schnauzer ownership.

Membership is open to all over the age of 16 years.

Advantages of Becoming a Member

  • Discount on Giant Schnauzer Club event entries
  • Discount on Laboklin Giant Schnauzer DNA test bundle
  • Free periodical issues of the club’s magazine “Giant Jottings”
  • Join the Giant Schnauzer Club facebook group
  • An opportunity to advertise and publish articles via club publications
  • Groomers – free listing via website/club magazine
  • Include your photographs on the website and club publications
  • Attend general meetings held by the club
  • Opportunity to vote on proposed matters pertaining to the club/breed
  • Opportunity to vote in the election of Officers and Committee
  • Access to a source of information, advice and support

Join us for as little as £10.00 per year for a single membership, joint £11.00 or family £13.00 

Members agree to abide by the Club’s code of ethics


Apply or Renew Giant Schnauzer Club Membership 

Send an online application/renewal using the form below:

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Membership Type
Please make sure email address is entered correctly
I/We Undertake to Abide by the Club's Rules, Constitution & Code of Ethics
Type of Membership
Children must be 16yrs and under to qualify for family membership
Payment Method
The Club's bank details will be provided after completing this form. An annual or one-off online bank payment can be made. Please pay the first payment now and any subsequent ANNUAL payments on 1 JANUARY. Reference any payments with your SURNAME then POSTCODE
I/We agree that the information provided above can be stored electronically for the Club's administrative and contact purposes
Information is not passed on to any 3rd party. Consent may be withdrawn at any time by contacting the secretary.
Enter full name as signature
NEW MEMBERS: Applications should be proposed by a current club member, alternatively please enter the name of your breeder, or tell us where your Giant is from. You may also tell us a little about yourself here if you do not have a proposer, otherwise we may contact you for more information. EXISTING MEMBERS: Please enter 'Renewal'
NEW MEMBERS ONLY: Applications should be seconded by a current club member. If you do not have a proposer we may contact you for more information.